Welcome to the Michigan Climate Action Network!

Empowering you to be a bold advocate for real climate solutions in Michigan ⚡

About Us

The Michigan Climate Action Network is a dynamic and inclusive community that unites individuals, organizations, and communities from all walks of life. Our common goal is to address the urgent challenges posed by climate change and advocate for bold and equitable solutions that will create a resilient future for Michigan and beyond.

At the heart of our community is a shared belief in the power of collective action. We amplify the voices of those fighting for climate justice, connecting them with like-minded individuals and groups to maximize our impact. Through collaboration, education, and advocacy, we strive to create systemic change and a durable cultural transformation to ensure a just transition towards a resilient future.

Whether you are an experienced advocate, a concerned citizen, or a community leader, there is a place for you in the Michigan Climate Action Network. By joining our community, you have the opportunity to participate in grassroots campaigns, attend educational events, join our Climate Culture Club, and engage in meaningful conversations with fellow changemakers.